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Bringing hope and a future for the Roma/Gypsy folks in Romania. Simple mud homes are slowly being transformed into brick homes with added insulation and solid roofs. Some of our former students, who are now adults, are taught skills like sewing, wood working or farming to enable them to provide for themselves. Former students who have children of their own now understand the benefits of education and are encouraging the second generation to pursue God and a better life through education. The kindergarten is key to the children’s further education so they can learn Romanian, which is a second language for them. Caleb Foundation also provides an After School Program where the older children receive tutoring, help with homework and a meal. There are three Summer Camps each year for the different age groups. Between the camps, school programs and Caleb’s work in the community, children are thriving and families have hope for their future.

Short Term Mission Trips from various groups help run the summer camps and the various activities around the community of Lazereni.

Two different Christmas parties are provided to the two groups of after-school kids.

The almost completed Community Building, which will be a multipurpose building for the school and the community. The new building will be equipped with dormitories, bathrooms and a kitchen. It will be ready to host folks on mission trips in the summer of 2024!


South Sudan

The celebration and dedication of the bore well which was established in 2020 to supply the school and the community with water. The school and water supply has brought various tribes together in harmony.

Life in the community of Mundari Bura.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Left overs of the civil war, shell casing of bullets and tank. But there is still occasional civil unrest when various factions rise up against each other.

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

The treacherous roads leading to Mundari Bura from the city of Juba. These road become unpassable during the rainy season.