Our mission is to show the love of Jesus Christ to impoverished children around the world

About Us

Kids In Crisis International, Inc. is a faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization established in the year 2000. We are dedicated to changing the lives of impoverished children around the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We consider it a joy and a privilege to demonstrate the love of God by helping children and their families to break out of illiteracy, poverty, hunger, and hopelessness.

The name Kids In Crisis originated as a result of what the founders witnessed in the late 1990s in Gypsy communities in North West Romania. They witnessed children truly in crisis. Children were so impoverished that it was not unusual to see them walking barefoot in the snow. All were illiterate, and hopelessness was everywhere you looked.

This endeavor is close to the Father’s heart. Luke 18:16 reads, “But Jesus called the children to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’ Bring the little children unto me.’” This is our call and commission to bring the Love of Jesus to children in need.

International Directing Partners


George & Alina Galea

Lazareni, Romania


Dr. Alex Bolek

South Sudan, Africa


Pastor Jeremiah Daniels

Cheyyar, India

Our Vision

It is our joy and privilege to bring the light of the gospel and the love of Jesus to children living in poverty. Children who have little or no education or health care and where they are often forced to survive day to day. We are targeting two areas where God has opened doors for us, Gypsy communities in Romania and an area in the newly established nation of South Sudan.

We consider relationships with the local people and local officials in these areas to be vital to establishing God’s work in their communities. When those relationships are established, we move ahead with starting a school and community outreach center.

We ensure that the children receive a Christ-centered education. They also receive a meal each day, which in many cases is a child’s only meal. We also provide necessities such as shoes, clothing, medical and dental care to the children, along with lots of smiles and hugs.

It is not enough to provide for the physical needs of impoverished children and families. We understand that lasting change comes from people being transformed by the love of God and growing in the understanding of His word and His character. We endeavor to create a place of refuge and hope in the midst of hopelessness and to see the lives of children changed forever by God’s love.

Our Financial Needs


Romania Map

For over two decades, our dear friends and dedicated staff in Romania have been making a profound impact on children's lives through the love of Jesus. Among them are George and Alina Galea, who have been with us since the beginning and now serve as directors of the Roma (Gypsy) Ministry. Their passion for the Roma community is matched only by their expansive vision to uplift these individuals.

The Fundatia Caleb/Caleb Foundation, established by Kids in Crisis International in 2001, supports our charitable work in Romania. Today, our school and ministry continue to flourish, shining the light of the gospel and bringing about transformative change. God's work has exceeded our expectations, touching the lives of the Roma people and now influencing the next generation of children.

India Simple Geometric Independence Day Decoration Fireworks
India Simple Geometric Independence Day Decoration Fireworks
India Map Silhouette


Kids in Crisis is immensely grateful and privileged to join forces with Pastor Dr. Jeremiah in Cheyyar, India. Our collaboration has empowered us to extend the love and teachings of Jesus to orphaned children and provide vital support to widows, lepers, and the visually impaired.

Together, we've played a pivotal role in completing the construction of several churches, serving as beacons of hope and faith in the community. Additionally, our combined efforts have enabled us to spread the message of hope and salvation to numerous unreached villages, reaching hearts and souls that were previously untouched by the gospel. Through our partnership, we are making a tangible and lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals, fostering a brighter future filled with love, compassion, and spiritual growth.

India Simple Geometric Independence Day Decoration Wave

Pastor Jeremiah & family

South Sudan

South Sudan map in Africa, Icons showing South Sudan location and flags.
South Sudan map city vector style color of country flag.

Kids In Crisis is teaming up with Dr. Alex Bolek, a remarkable individual born in Sudan and residing in South Sudan. After studying medicine in Romania in the late 1990s, Alex returned to Sudan, where he and his wife Helen settled in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, following the end of the 22-year civil war.

During a visit to Terekeka County in 2013, Alex discovered the toll the war had taken on his family and community. Witnessing the dire situation, especially for children, motivated Alex to take action. He reached out to us, emphasizing the importance of addressing the needs of these vulnerable children and sharing his vision for a "Rescue Mission" school in South Sudan.

Despite significant challenges, including ongoing conflict in the region, Alex remains committed to his mission. We are inspired to support his efforts to bring hope and education to the children of South Sudan, echoing the successful ministry we established in Romania.


Suzanne Fenlason

Cindy Ngo

Jarred Fenlason, D.Min.


Founding director


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Contact us

Kids in Crisis International, Inc

PO Box 544

Hazelwood, NC 28738-0544





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Donate today with a one-time or recurring tax-deductible gift. Kids in Crisis is a registered non-profit 501c3.